It's not that I'm so smart. It's just that I stay with problems longer.

Albert Einstein

Physician of your choice PDF Drucken E-Mail

A personal physician ("physician of your choice") has no contractual relationship with health insurance carriers. You as a patient are therefore in the status of a private patient, and the supervising doctor does not have to follow possible restriction imposed by health insurances. Therefore a completely individual care is possible, on the other hand all the treatment costs being borne by yourself.


However, you can request reimbursement of treatment costs at your health insurance every month/quarter. To do this, you need to send your health insurance an appropriate form (you can receive this form in my office), the received honorary note and the confirmation of payment confirmation (or bank statement - but always in the original).
The cost reimbursement rate varies, but normally it should be 80% of what a contracted doctor would have received, as long as these benefits are normally covered by your health insurance.

No refund

However, if you as a patient go to a personal physician and a specialist of the same area in the same period (The period depends on your health insurance.), the medical expenses of the personal physician will not be reimbursed.

Preventive medical checkup are still free of charge

Once a year preventive medical checkups for patients of 19 years or older are also free of charge at a personal physician's office. Hence there is no difference between personal and contracted doctors.

One of the main advantages of the personal physician system are a more individual and in-depth supervision. This means more treatment time, shorter-term appointments and no long waiting times for the patient.



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