There is nothing that is a more certain sign of insanity than to do the same thing over and over and expect the results to be different.

Albert Einstein

Scope of Work
Here is an overview of the scope of my work. To get more information on a specific area either click in the bar below or use the top navigation (photo bar above).

Environmental Medicine PDF Drucken E-Mail

Umweltmedizin Environmental Medicine supervises individuals with health problems or conspicuous investigation findings, that are pulled together with environmental factors either by themselves or by a doctor.

Sports PDF Drucken E-Mail

SportmedizinSports Medicine examines practically and theoretically the influence of movement, Training and Sport and lack of movement on the healthy and sick people of all ages.

Esthetics PDF Drucken E-Mail

Ästhetik Health means physical, intellectual and emotional well-being.

Preventive Medicine PDF Drucken E-Mail

Preventive medicine Preventive medicine puts emphasis on early detection of individual health risks and their comprehensive and lasting influence by:

Ethnomedicine PDF Drucken E-Mail

EthnomedizinEthnomedicine defines and interpretes health and disease in different cultures and ages, and consequently the corresponding resulting healing and treatment methods.

General Medicine PDF Drucken E-Mail

General MedicineGeneral practitioners are specialized to provide first and coordinating medical contact at all physical and mental health disorders.

Psychotherapy PDF Drucken E-Mail

Psychotherapy Psychotherapy is the treatment of mentally, physically or intellectually suffering people with scientifically proven and justified psychological methods.

Child and Youth Health PDF Drucken E-Mail

Kinder- und JugendheilkundeChildren and youth medicine is the general medicine in this age group, added to an in-depth knowledge and understanding of growth and development.



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